
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

SOCIAL DISTANCING DAY 9: CP's Top 12 Comedy Series Picks


ALRIGHT so it’s actually nice out today in Vancouver, but at some point it’ll get dark and cold and then the “pandemic unknown” vibes will close in on your soul again, so how about some quality television to distract you from your feelings? SOUNDS GREAT!!

Ok ok ok I’m being a bit dramatic (WHO ME??) but to be fair, so many loved ones are in various places of distress and at the same time VERY AWARE of being lucky and privileged AF.  I feel like those things don’t have to be mutually exclusive, btw. Being mad and grateful at the same time is fully the vibe right now, and they don't cancel each other out. UGHHH SO MANY FEELINGS...

SO, LAUGHING. If you are a sarcastic bitch like me and into shit that’s satirical or entertainment industry related, give one of these a whirl.

Atlanta (FX)** - Donald Glover wrote, produced and starred in this; he’s an effin’ boss. Just so all-around excellent, he’s like a bright star of situational comedy. It’s interesting to remember while watching this that he started in the writing room at 30 Rock, echoing the lightly auto-biographical aspects of Tina Fey’s strong narratives but in a VERY VERY different style and context. It’s amazing. Seriously. One of my top picks. **ALSO SORRY THIS IS FX BUT THERE ARE WAYS. THOSE WAYS ARE WORTHWHILE.

Insecure (HBO, CRAVE): Female show-runner; clever & refreshingly funny, with sexy af multi-dimensional male characters. AMAZING SOUNDTRACK, zomg for real I find so many new artists from this.

Review with Forrest MacNeil (Comedy Central, CRAVE): Starts light and steers you right into possibly the best dark satire I’ve seen in years. I can’t even describe it, just watch. This guy is brilliant. I cry-laugh.

Broad City (Comedy Central, CRAVE): Very “Bust” magazine if Bust magazine girls lived in Brooklyn in their 20s after they got kicked out of their Manhattan basement suite. It's very fun if not a touch inconsistent,

Nathan For You: (Comedy Central, CRAVE) Extra recommended if you own any type of small business. Deadpan perfection from Vancouver improv king Nathan Fielder, who wrote, directed and starred in this “Ali-G” style series featuring the most hilarious entrepreneurial disaster plans imaginable.

The Comeback (HBO CRAVE) This series takes second hand embarrassment to the next level especially because WE ALL KNOW THIS PERSON and we DO NOT want to be them.
I enjoy a solid binge and cringe through both seasons of The Comeback as well as reading EGO IS THE ENEMY every few years just to put the fear of God into me.

Friends From College (Netflix): I’m still obsessed with Fred Savage from Wonder Years days, and I give no fucks, Kevin Arnold for Lyfe. 20 years later, his sophomore show-runner effort about peeps in their 30s had me cry-laughing. Great fucking binge. Thanks Kevin.

Detroiters (CRAVE)
This random af and very hilarious show is brought to you by largely the same humans as “I Think You Should Leave” on Netflix about two best buddies trying to make commercials for businesses in Detroit.

Drunk History (Comedy Central)
Although I’m not the biggest fan of the host Derek Waters, the hilarious comedians telling stories and the way they are told fully make up for it. Plus you learn shit!!

What We Do in The Shadows (FX)
Vampires failing in modern society. I mean that’s really all I need to say. Based on the NZ movie by now Oscar winner Taika Waititi and Flight of the Conchords’ Jermain Clement, which is also worth a watch

Catastrophe (Amazon Prime)
Rob Delaney found his perfect match in the brilliant Sharon Horgan and are both people I’d love to hang out with. When they get pregnant in their 40s after a slutty romp, they become the sarcastic parents I would certainly aspire to be. If I was into that sort of thing.

Barry (HBO, CRAVE)
Bill Hader writes and stars in this super compelling dark comedy about a hit man who decides he wants to become (wait for it…) AN ACTOR IN HOLLYWOOD. SPOILER: it goes SUPER well for him.

K that’s all for now folks! I’m gonna go find an empty parking lot to roller-skate in without touching anything except, well, probably, the concrete. Because FALLING MEANS YOU’RE GOING OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. (Shout out Rolla Skate Club, I miss you guys!)

PS I'm testing out a new at home video set up.. maybe we'll be able to parlay this into a few vids eventually?? HMMMMMMMMMMM???? (pic below of my hilarious "quarantine ring light" rig)

See you tomorrow for my Dramatic Series picks!!

(ok so it might be a bittttttt yellow 😂😂. but my dollar store selfie stick is FIRE)